Two Rockets First Team Players Represent UK Armed Forces at SHAPE International Basketball Tournament

City of Birmingham Rockets are proud to see Rockets Men’s First Team player Jordan Dawes and Women’s First Team player Grace Turton representing UK Armed Forces at the SHAPE international basketball tournament at the NATO Headquarters.

Speaking about the experience, Jordan Dawes said: “It’s always good to get the opportunity to play sport within the military, but to represent the country against some of the highest military competition the world has to offer is an honour and a privilege that I will never forget.

“It’s a great chance to play against some incredible competition with a lot of players coming from a very high and professional pedigree in their own respective countries.”

Women’s First Team player Grace Turton also spoke of her pride at representing her country at this tournament.

She said, “To be selected for the United Kingdom Armed Forces team is an absolute honour. Being given the opportunity to share a court with the best basketball players of our Armed Forces as well as our NATO Allies is a privilege.

“Wearing the United Kingdom jersey and singing the National Anthem with my team is the greatest moment basketball has given me.”