Central Venue Leagues

Central Venue League competition allows players the opportunity to compete in organised basketball games, complete with match officials.
The entry fee to join the Rockets Central Venue League and receive your Central Venue League kit is a one-off cost of £25. This kit is then yours to keep and you won’t need to pay the entry fee at any future CVL – just the weekly participation fee of £5 (payable online in advance).
Open to players of all ability levels, the competition provides an ideal environment for player development and has proved a hugely popular addition to our community basketball offering.
Our inaugural Under-16 league sold out well in advance of the first week and we expect that these new leagues will follow suit so book now to make sure you’re part of the action.
The details of our upcoming leagues are as follows:
Under 14 Autumn Central Venue League: Starts October 2024. The league will run from 6pm-8pm every Friday finishing with a finals week on Friday 13th December. The U14 CVL will take place at Fortis Academy, Aldridge Rd, Great Barr, B44 8NU.
Under 16 Autumn Central Venue League: Starts October 2024. The league will run from 3pm-6pm every Sunday finishing with finals week on Sunday 15th December. The U16 CVL will take place at Nechells Wellbeing Centre, Rupert St, B7 4AR.
How Do I Register?
All new players should complete the entry fee before registering for a league. Players only need to complete the entry fee ONCE to have access to all future leagues. Players will receive a unique, numbered Central Venue League reversible kit for their entry fee which is to be worn at all Central Venue League sessions.
Once a player has completed the entry fee, they must then book on to a league. We currently run an Under 14 League (Ages 11-13) and an Under 16 League (Ages 14-16).
By clicking on the relevant image below, players will be redirected to the booking page for the upcoming central venue league of their choice. Here you will see the weekly schedule and can book for as many of the 15 weeks as you wish to attend. The sessional cost is £5 per week.
Players will only be able to attend on weeks they have booked in advance. Players must attend the majority of weeks in order to be eligible for the end-of-league prizes.
If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact us at enquiries@cobrockets.co.uk.